Moving into a new home is indeed one of the most exciting times of your life. That’s why it’s important to start out on the right foot and start caring for your home—and protecting your investment—right away.

As a Member of the Top 5 in Real Estate Network®, my clients often ask me what are the most important areas of a home to consistently maintain. Here are 10 key trouble spots home maintenance experts advise you regularly check on so that they don’t turn into larger, more expensive, problems down the road:

  1. Windows and doors – Be sure to regularly check seals around all your doors and windows to keep drafts out. This simple measure can result in big savings when it comes to your heating and cooling bills.
  2. Safety devices – Check all smoke and carbon monoxide detectors and replace batteries twice a year. Also, keep small fire extinguishers in appropriate places.
  3. Roof – In early fall, check around vents, skylights and chimneys for cracks or leaks and repair or replace tiles as necessary.
  4. Gutters – Keep gutters clear of leaves and debris to prevent clogging, and always make sure they drain away from the house.
  5. Fireplace – Have a chimney sweep assess any fireplaces to check for cracks and creosote build-up that can cause chimney fires.
  6. Filters – Clean or replace furnace filters once every month or as needed. Check and clean the dryer vent, air conditioner, stove hood and room fans regularly.
  7. Air conditioner – When you cover your outdoor furniture for inclement weather, be sure to cover your air conditioning unit as well.
  8. Refrigerator – Test door seals to ensure they are airtight. If you have a coil-back fridge, the coils should be vacuumed twice a year.
  9. Faucets – Check for leaks in kitchens and bathrooms and replace washers as necessary.
  10. Siding and paint – Look for cracks or peeling areas. Repaint or replace caulk as necessary.

These are just a few home maintenance tips to be aware of. For more information, feel free to e-mail me and be sure to pass these tips along to your fellow new homeowners!